Spring is in the air. As you pack up those sweaters and snow boots in exchange for oxfords and boat shoes, it’s the perfect time to take a look around your house and see what needs to be cleared out. Outer organization contributes to calming inner chaos. This means that spring cleaning isn’t just good…
Follow these tips to help beat the flu this year, keeping you and our community happy and well. To prevent the spreading and catching of the flu, it is important to wash, wash ,wash! Wash your hands frequently. Make it a habit to wash at least once each hour if you’re in public areas. Lather…
It's the same story each year. The clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve and we swear that we'll emerge the next day a new person. We say we will finally lose that 20 pounds, start that new hobby and cook at home more. For the first few weeks and maybe even months of the…
The holidays are a time for gift-giving and overall generosity. Here are a few ideas for how to help out your neighbors. 1) Car Troubles – Car troubles are among the most inconvenient, preventing people from getting to work or causing general frustration for drivers due to cold weather. Help by offering to dig cars…
It’s nice to have a healthy alternative to all the candy this time of year. These Halloween treats are made with fresh fruit, so you can still feel festive without all the sugar. They’re a great healthy option to serve up at a Halloween party, make with your kids or to share with your officemates. They’ll be…
A Wreath A beautiful autumn wreath is a great way to greet your guests as they enter your apartment. You could purchase one or create one of your own using a mixture of colorful leaves and berries. Regardless, choose one that reflects your style! Pumpkins Galore During this season pumpkins will be all over the…